Useful Hints For The Dog Owners
Ways To Be A Responsible Dog Owners
The wish of adding a new member to the family can incredibly be exciting. Most of the dog owners would agree that having a constant loyal companion who love's them unconditionally brings a tremendous amount of joy to their lives. And as a proud father of two Rottweilers what my experience says that every dog needs proper nutrition, adequate shelter, physical care and social interaction. With all these basics you will be on your way of giving your dog an amazing life.
Attention is the key to Bonding :
When your pet wants to talk to you, pay attention even if u are busy. Dogs needs to know that you love them. And if you don't hug them they feel disappointed, it hurts their feeling. So please hug them show them that you love them, care for them.
Last but not the least is a great Veterinarian as it is the first place you take your dog. Your Veterinarian will look out for your dogs health, educate you about your dog and guide you through the world of dog ownership. So finding a Veterinarian with a good staff is also an important task.
Here are few hints that might be helpful for first time Dog owners
- Always feed the puppy with lukewarm food, fresh each time.
- At the age of 5 to 6 weeks puppy requires 4 to 5 feeds a day till 3 months.
- At 3 to 6 months of age 3 feeds a day, with increased quantity and more solids, should be given (Morning, Midday & Evening)
- And at 6 months onwards only 2 feeds a day is sufficient.
- Dogs normal Temperature is 101"F to 102"F. Pulse rate 70 - 130/minute. Respirator Tritc TTo - 4T J7 minute.
- Often bathing of puppy is not recommended Combing and Brushing keeps the puppy more clean and fit. Only dog soap and shampoo should be used.
- Dogs should be trained from the early age for going out for big and small jobs after each feed.
- Ticks are real problem for dogs in summer to rainy season. Remove big size Ticks from hand and use ticks powder or lotion, seek the advice of your vet.
- Chaining the puppy makes him/her more furious and therefore its not recommended.
- Generally the dog is not given sweet or salty food because it may cause skin or gastric problems. Do not make a habit for such food.
- In case of any sign of sickness consult your vet immediately, no medicine should be given to the dog by the owner without prior consultation with the doctor as human drugs are contra-indicated in dogs.
- All Pets need regular "exercise, good food proper living condition and above all Lots of Love and Affection by the Owner.
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